Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 57 - Thursday 12.8.2011

Mr. Nanda is out today. Please be respectful to your substitute.

Graphics 1 - Try to finish up your MAGAZINE COVERS.  SAVE FOR WEB/DEVICES and post to your blog.  It will probably say that the file is big, "do you wish to continue?"  Say YES.

Graphics 2 - WORKDAY: Classic Car Poster.  Do your outlines in ILLUSTRATOR and then take the STROKE WEIGHT down to .75".  Copy and paste the lines into PHOTOSHOP.  The document size should be 17" across by 11" high @ 300 resolution.  Use 5 or more GRADIENTS to create highlights and shadows on the car.  Use your original photo for reference.

Multimedia 1 - Finish up your videos and export them using QUICKTIME.  Put a copy in my DROPBOX.  Anticipate a TERMS quiz NEXT TUESDAY.  In order to take the QUIZ you must know your Powerschool LOGIN & PASSWORD, so check with counseling if you don't know it.

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