Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 6 - Thursday September 1st, 2011

GRAPHICS 1 - We will continue working with the ILLUSTRATOR TOOLS HANDOUT.  We created basic shapes, and learned the difference between the black arrow and the white arrow.  We will work with the rest of the selection tools then move onto the drawing tools.

MULTIMEDIA 1 - I will hand back your News Concepts and we will begin working with SOUNDTRACK PRO.  Be sure you cu your newscast down to 10 seconds.

GRAPHICS 2 - Today we will begin on our CARICATURE project.  I will show you how to deform your face and draw in ILLUSTRATOR.  Your Symbols and Icons paper and vector are due today.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 5 - Wednesday August 31st, 2011

Graphics 1 - Sketch your logo design on paper first.  I will hand out the ILLUSTRATOR tools worksheet.  It can be found in the Graphics 1 folder on my school page.  Follow along as I demonstrate the various uses of the tools.  The last part of the class, I will let you experiment with the various tools.

Multimedia 1
- Today you may work on your NEWSCASTs.  They are due by the end of class.  Be sure to stick to your category and to follow the formatting in the handout: WRITING AN EFFECTIVE NEWSCAST.  The handout is available in the Multimedia 1 folder on my school page.

Graphics 2 - Work on your Symbols & Icons paper.  It needs to be uploaded to TURNITIN by Thursday.  Then work on your icon in ILLUSTRATOR.  It is due on your blog by Thursday

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 4 - Day 4 - Tuesday August 30th, 2011

Graphics 1 - Today we will look at some LOGOS using the ROCKPORT LETTERHEADS & LOGO DESIGN 7.  You will choose a design to talk about and discuss their thoughts behind some of the logos and how you can implement them in your PERSONAL LOGO.

Multimedia 1 - We will look at some case studies using the Benedict Website.  We specifically discussed the Batman Forever case under the MOVIES tab & the Dr. Dre/THX case under Music.

Next, I will go over the WRITING AN EFFECTIVE NEWSCAST handout.  You will begin researching your first newscast.

Graphics 2 - The goal for today is to get you all setup with the TURNITIN.COM site for Graphics 2.  I will give you the Class ID and set you up so that you can turn in your SYMBOLS & ICONS paper.  Then you may work on recreating your logo in ILLUSTRATOR.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 3 - Monday August 29th, 2011


Graphics 1
- Today we will get your blogs setup.  Make sure you write your URL on the syllabus before you turn it in.  Your 1st blog should say something like:

"My name is ________ and this is my blog."
and should have stated the one thing you want to learn by the end of semester.

In your 2nd blog post 3 pictures: Favorite Movie Poster, Favorite Album Cover, & place you would go if you had an unlimited amount of money.

Multimedia 1 - Define theses terms:   COPYRIGHT, FAIR USE, PUBLIC DOMAIN.  Today we will discuss what these definitions mean to you and to how you handle protected media. 

Graphics 2 - Today I will review the uses of PHOTOSHOP TOOLS.  Please be ready to ask questions you don't recall from Graphics 1.  You will fill out the PHOTOSHOP TOOLS HANDOUT.  You may select your symbol or icon for the next project.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 2 - Thursday August 25, 2011

So first day glitches abound.  Today, we will play catchup from yesterday.  Since the tech gurus would not allow any of you to log in or access any of the programs, we will take another shot at creating your blogs.

GRAPHICS 1 & MULTIMEDIA - Today we will attempt to create your blogs again.  If you have an existing one, you may simply alter it to match the current class.

GRAPHICS 1 - Today we will do the QUICKDRAW exercise where I name random things and you will have 10 seconds to do a quick sketch.  Pay special attention to what everyone else is drawing and try to use that information to create something unique. We will make your blogs on Monday.

Don't forget to turn in your parent signed District Internet Policy ASAP!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 1 - Wednesday Aug. 24th, 2011

Welcome everyone!  Glad to meet you all.  Today we will go over the syllabus and class expectations.  I will assign your seats and we will also begin setting up your blog.


TODAY: We will set up a blog for each student.  You will need an email account to set up a blog.  You may use an existing account or create a new one.  The email account is in case you lose your passwords.



Your 1st blog should say something like:
"My name is ________ and this is my blog."
and should have stated the one thing you want to learn by the end of semester.

MONDAY - SIGNED Syllabus is due!

It will be a good idea to BOOKMARK this page as your daily updates will go here.

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