Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 3 - Monday August 29th, 2011


Graphics 1
- Today we will get your blogs setup.  Make sure you write your URL on the syllabus before you turn it in.  Your 1st blog should say something like:

"My name is ________ and this is my blog."
and should have stated the one thing you want to learn by the end of semester.

In your 2nd blog post 3 pictures: Favorite Movie Poster, Favorite Album Cover, & place you would go if you had an unlimited amount of money.

Multimedia 1 - Define theses terms:   COPYRIGHT, FAIR USE, PUBLIC DOMAIN.  Today we will discuss what these definitions mean to you and to how you handle protected media. 

Graphics 2 - Today I will review the uses of PHOTOSHOP TOOLS.  Please be ready to ask questions you don't recall from Graphics 1.  You will fill out the PHOTOSHOP TOOLS HANDOUT.  You may select your symbol or icon for the next project.

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