Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 5 - Wednesday August 31st, 2011

Graphics 1 - Sketch your logo design on paper first.  I will hand out the ILLUSTRATOR tools worksheet.  It can be found in the Graphics 1 folder on my school page.  Follow along as I demonstrate the various uses of the tools.  The last part of the class, I will let you experiment with the various tools.

Multimedia 1
- Today you may work on your NEWSCASTs.  They are due by the end of class.  Be sure to stick to your category and to follow the formatting in the handout: WRITING AN EFFECTIVE NEWSCAST.  The handout is available in the Multimedia 1 folder on my school page.

Graphics 2 - Work on your Symbols & Icons paper.  It needs to be uploaded to TURNITIN by Thursday.  Then work on your icon in ILLUSTRATOR.  It is due on your blog by Thursday

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