Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 47 - Tuesday 11/15/11

GRAPHICS 1 - Today is a WORKDAY. CLICK HERE for a quick and easy SILHOUETTE TUTORIAL in PHOTOSHOP.  Save for Web/Devices and post it to your blog.  If you finish that one, CLICK THIS ONE for a IMAGE REPLACEMENT TUTORIAL.

GRAPHICS 2 - After you have pieced all 9 of your facial parts into what looks like a real person, create a NEW LAYER called FINAL.  Hold down the ALT key as you MERGE VISIBLE under the LAYER MENU.  This will make a final copy of all the layers into one layer.  Here you may start blending.  Use COLOR REPLACEMENT, PATCH TOOL, ETC.  Be sure you do the FACIAL RETOUCH packet before you start the blending phase

MULTIMEDIA 1 - You must turn in your NEWSCAST CONCEPT by the end of the hour.  Remember you can use the WRITING AN EFFECTIVE NEWSCAST template in my LISTING FOLDER.  Your REACTION sectin will include 8 QUESTIONS that relate to the story.  You will interview one of your parents using your news concept and the 8 questions.  The 8 questions MUST BE RELEVANT TO YOUR NEWS STORY.

THE COMPLETED CONCEPTS SHOULD BE TURNED INTO  Also it will be a good idea to print out a copy of your 8 QUESTIONS for you parents to read.

courtesy of Chad Neumen

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