Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 51 - Tuesday 11.28.2011

Mr. Nanda is out today.  Please be respectful to your substitute.

Graphics 1 - Work on finishing the COFFEE CUP TUTORIAL.  If you finish early, be sure to catch up any missing work or work that needs to be updated.  Those of you that still need to finish the ROCKET, the link is back up.  If you brought your MAGAZINE COVER in early, go ahead and scan it in.

Graphics 2 - Work on your SKULLFACE Project.  I would like to see those finished up and on your blogs by THURSDAY.

Multimedia 1 - Import your footage onto your computer as demonstrated using iMovie.  Editing should be done in Final Cur Pro.  Your Commercials are due by THURSDAY.  Your INTERVIEWS are due by MONDAY.  If you finish up, review your TERMS that have been on the board this year.  Anticipate a quiz on NEXT TUESDAY.

courtesy of

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