Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 26 - Monday 10/10/11

MR. NANDA WILL NOT BE IN SCHOOL.  Please be respectful to your substitute.

Graphics 1 - At the start of class, show your 3 sketches to the class and have them vote on the best one.  Start working on your Movie poster.  The dimensions in ILLUSTRATOR are 11 inches wide by 17 inches high.  Each shape must have a minimum of 3 tones: BASE, HIGHLIGHT, & SHADOW.  You will be working on this poster for several weeks so make sure you use your time wisely.  Even though I am not there, I expect you to move forward.

Graphics 2 - The first thing you must do is recreate your organization's logo in ILLUSTRATOR.  If you must, reduce their number of colors to 4.  Remember that you can use various tones of one color.  When you finish, begin working on your WPA style poster.  The poster should have a bold 4 color image of something happening, (no people standing around).  The tagline should be simple and to the point.  Focus on making the the type and graphics work together.  Even though I am not there, I expect you to move forward.

Multimedia 1 - Import your 25 photos from this weekend into your MORGUE folder.  Put them into iMOVIE and begin labeling them.  Put background music in.  Use 3-5 of the your best pics to create an opening collage with PHOTOSHOP with Text (ex: Johnny's Photography Portfolio).

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