Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 34 - Monday 10/24/2011

GRAPHICS 1 - It is my hope that you are making some real progress with your MOVIE POSTERS.  They will be due on your blogs by this THURSDAY.  AS you head towards that goal this week, remember that everything your draw must have 3 TONES as I demonstrated with the JUNO POSTER (see previous posts).  Aside from a graphic, you must have a TITLE and TAGLINE.  They are as important to the final composition as the graphic.  Plan well.  They shouldn't appear slapped on at the last minute.

GRAPHICS 2 - Your WPA POSTER is due on your blog by THURSDAY.  Remember, to place your text carefully for a good well rounded composition.

If you finish early, start on the GAMEBOY TECHNICAL DRAWING.  I would like you to do the Steps 1 and 2 in ILLUSTRATOR and the rest in PHOTOSHOP.  The key to this project is to make it look precise and realistic.

MULTIMEDIA 1 - Ok, let's get back to the 25 PHOTOS you took.  These are the original pics you took based on the list I gave you.  They should be in your MORGUE.  We are going to use Photoshop to take 5 of your photos and manipulate them.  Under the IMAGE menu at the top you have various option.

IMAGE>ADJUSTMENTS.  You may use the help menu as well. It will actually point you towards the right direction.  BE SURE TO SAVE AS.  DO NOT REPLACE YOUR ORIGINAL PHOTO IN THE MORGUE.

    THRESHOLD - This will take all the midtones out of your image and make bold blacks and whites.  The idea    here is to adjust the settings to create a more dynamic image than the original.  Use your judgement. There is no perfect setting.  Save as THRESHOLD.

   BLACK AND WHITE - Take the photo with the most texure or dynamic light and apply this.  You can mess with the sliders to get your best image.  SAVE AS BLACK&WHITE.

   INVERT - You can either INVERT the entire picture or make a selection from a portion of it.  Invert looks like a negative image.  Once again, the idea is that the inverted image is more interesting than the original.  SAVE AS INVERT.

   ISOLATE (Not a filter, manual effect) - Choose one thing in the photo to leave in Full color using a selection while the rest of the photo is BLACK&WHITE.

   BEST CORRECTION (Not a filter, manual effect) - Take you all around best photo and adjust the HUE/SATURATION to make a vibrant photo.  SAVE AS BEST CORRECTION.

   FUN - Mess around with the filters and adjustments to create a fun image.  SAVE AS FUN. 

Make sure all pics are cropped and straightened if need be.  Make an iMovie slideshow with text, music, and images with your 25 original pics plus the 5 manipulated images.


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