Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 27 - Tuesday 10/11/11

SORRY GUYS, STILL NOT BACK IN SCHOOL.  Please be respectful to your substitute.

Graphics 1 - Continue working on your Movie poster.  The dimensions in ILLUSTRATOR are 11 inches wide by 17 inches high.  Each shape must have a minimum of 3 tones: BASE, HIGHLIGHT, & SHADOW.  You will be working on this poster for several weeks so make sure you use your time wisely.  Even though I am not there, I expect you to move forward.

Graphics 2 - At this point if your organization has not contacted you, pick a new one.  Rrecreate your organization's logo in ILLUSTRATOR.  When you finish, begin working on your WPA style poster. See the post from yesterday for specifics.  Even though I am not there, I expect you to move forward.

Multimedia 1 - We are going to jump ahead a bit.  Research your next newscast concept and turn it in to  The CLASS ID is 4412176.  Password is "nanda".  Remember, FOCUS STATEMENT, LEAD, FOCUS, etc.  I will give you until Wednesday to get your concept in.  The next newscast will be done in iMOVIE.  instructions will come tomorrow. 
      We will unfortunately set the next part of the PHOTO PORTFOLIO aside as the filters and effects I wish to show you require me to be there.  My apologies.  If you did not get your photos imported onto the computer yesterday, make sure you do so today.  Even though I am not there, I expect you to move forward.

courtesy of Yoeri Hokken

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